Releasing your art as a digital collectible doesn't have to be difficult. We're here to help.

  • It is easiest to think of NFTs (digital collectibles) as a file format. People use file formats – like jpeg, png, or gif – to transfer information or value on the internet. NFTs are a file format that transfers data and value on blockchain networks like Ethereum. A common example of an NFT might be a digital trading card or piece of digital art.

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  • As more and more value is created in digital worlds, ownership in those ecosystems becomes more important. Each collectible possesses a unique ID that distinguishes them from other NFTs. And because blockchains are typically open—that is, anyone can view the history of transactions for themselves—it’s easy to understand who owns a particular asset. In these ways, NFTs are verifiable like historic artworks: they travel securely between parties, they possess certain qualities that distinguish them from copies, and anybody who looks can make these determinations for themselves. The power of digital collectibles ensures that the value individuals create is theirs to actually control.

Why Ownrshp?

As we enter a world that becomes more digital than physical, it is incredibly important to own your digital content. Until recently, it was impossible to assign ownership to files on the internet. People create art, photography, memes, etc, with no way to indicate which piece is the original. Consider sending a photo to a friend... is there a way to distinguish which photo was the original? NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, fix this.

Though the NFT space has only been around for six years and is still in its infancy, its potential is immense. Unfortunately, the steep barrier to entry, often including technical complexity and high initial costs, can deter potential newcomers. However, the potential benefits for artists, collectors, and communities far outweigh these issues.

You have the power to create art and sell it anywhere across the globe 24/7, 365 days a year. You can retain ownership and earn a royalty in perpetuity on your art. You can hold your art in a non-custodial digital wallet where only you control the contents within it. Imagine a world where you can create, sell, earn, and own collectibles on the internet without relying on anyone else.

We're here to help artists learn, grow, and utilize this technology. Ownrshp provides the tools and guidance to navigate and thrive in this new digital frontier. The more individuals that enter the space, the more decentralized and stronger we all become.

Join us at Ownrshp, and be a part of the revolution, making the digital world more accessible, decentralized, and equitable for all.

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